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Neon Feathers

Caged Birds

Maggie Bates Memorial Show

Due to the passing of the late Maggie Bates, this year's show will be in her memory

A warm welcome awaits visitors 

Members of our section are delighted to chat with anyone interested in the bird world. They are a wealth of information. 


Maggie Bates

While Maggie was still able to attend the show, she had a happy smile, a warm welcome & always willing to take time to speak with all.
When her health deteriorated, she continued to help behind the scenes.
This year, we will award special rosettes in honour of Maggie's relentless & consistent hard work within bird world community as a final thank you

2024 Classes

Budgerigar classes 
Judge: M. Robert

Canary & Pet classes
Judge: Mr B. Jose

Download the schedules:


Section 1 - Overview & Rules

Section 2 - Specials

Section 3 - Canaries & Patronage

Section 4 - British & Others

Section 5 - Foreign

Section 6 - Budgerigar


and an entry form

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