Camborne Show Society
Since 1989, Camborne Show Society has been dedicated to organising Camborne Show every year
Show President Elizabeth Bowden
Here we are in the last few days of preparation leading up to the very special 80th Camborne Show and what a fantastic day it promises to be.
I can hardly believe that two years have passed since I was asked if I would like to be the
President of the 2024 Show. I was honoured to accept the invitation. Having been involved for over 45 years, either competing myself or helping organise the Horse Section, I feel particularly invested in the past of the show.

Camborne Show is steeped in Cornish history and was first run in 1942 by the Holman family. Today we stay true to the heritage of the show, by showcasing the best of local agriculture and trade.
The day promises to be a fabulous community and family event with something for everyone. As ever, I will be hoping for the best of Cornish weather, but know that whatever is given to us the day will be a great success.
I would like to extend my thanks to the hard work of the Committee and those who have supported us in the run up to the show. I look forward to meeting new faces and old friends. Each year I relish in the atmosphere of the show, the incredible performances, the trade stands and the showing classes. On the day I look forward to seeing the pride and dedication of our local community.
Having missed two years of the show due to Foot and Mouth and Covid it is a testament to the hard work of our supporters that we are here today, my hope for the future of this show is that we can continue to run and show with pride what our farming and rural community can offer.
I’d like to wish you all an enjoyable show, I look forward to seeing lots of happy faces.
Executive Members
Patron - Mr James Williams CVO DL
President - Mrs Elizabeth Bowden
Vice President - Mr Richard Olds
Junior Vice President - Mr David Trease
Chairman - Mr Reg Bennett
Vice Chairman - Mr Kevin Thomas-Somers
Secretary - Mrs Alison Olds
Treasurer - Mrs Sandra Callingham-Lello
Showground Director - Mr Lee Pengilly
Assistant Showground Director - Mr Peter Trezise
Trade Stand Secretary - Ms Amy Grace
Website Manager - Mrs Elly Glanville
Honorary Life Members:
Mr Reg Bennett
Mr Michael Bowden
Mrs Jules Cooper
Mrs Linda Dickie
Mrs Wendy Hattam
Mrs Jill Lello
Mr Robert Mankee
Mrs Jean Moore
Mr Phil Osmond
Mr Lee Pengilly
Mr Tony Pengilly
Mr Paul Rowe
Mr Kevin Thomas-Somers
Mr David Trease
Mr Colin Trezise
Mr Paul Wills
Mr John Woodward
Mrs Avril Woolcock
Mr Derrick Bates